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Web page creation is a comprehensive process that involves various stages of development. For the best domain hosting in Singapore infrastructure, planning, execution, and monitoring should be combined.

This helps to recognise and resolve issues while letting you optimise performance for the best user experience. But often, businesses overlook the power of monitoring their VPS server in Singapore, leading to performance issues and downtime.

In this article, let us understand 5 must-have VPS monitoring tools for solid web hosting infrastructure.

Why is Server Monitoring Important?

Server Monitoring is an essential step like server management. With server monitoring, you can optimise your server performance, improve security and build a reliable VPS environment.

Without server monitoring, there is scope for data breaches, revenue loss, and bad user experience. But when you continuously monitor your server, you can efficiently resolve issues with it. This includes performance issues, beat downtime, security issues, scalability issues, resource insufficiency issues, etc.

What are Server Monitoring Tools for Linux VPS Server Hosting?

As said above, server monitoring helps to address your server performance, and tools help with it.

These tools ensure the smooth functioning of programs and applications on your server. Further, it ensures that your resources are enough to run different processes on your server.

Best VPS Server Monitoring Tools

Monitoring ToolAdvantagesDisadvantagesCost
SemaText MonitoringIt helps to monitor different metrics and correlate them to understand the progress. It supports and integrates well with top-notch cloud hosting providers. It has a user-friendly GUI-based Metric It helps with anomaly detection and alert supportThere is restricted support for tracking different transactions.It is a cost-effective tool which provides a 14-day free trial.
Prometheus and GrafanaPrometheus and Grafana are open-source and have massive community support, which comes in really handy.It gathers data from different sources using several waysIt provides automatic service discovery(without manual interference)It has a complicated setup that requires you to have technical knowledgeYou are required to do manual configuration- Manual setup needed for alerts and graphicsAs open source, it is free.
SolarWinds Server &You get end-to-end server monitoring supportDoes it have the power to detect any abnormal metricsIt works on pay per hosts with a 30-day free trial
Dynatrace On-site versions available(software or services that can be installed, deployed, and operated within an organisation’s physical infrastructure).It is an all-in-one platform. It is AI-based with Anomaly detection.Not-so-friendly dashboard for functionality.It has a very complex setup.You get minimal support for the latest-released features.You are charged based on the data ingested. Further, you get a 15-day trial.


With the help of these server monitoring tools for your VPS server, you can enhance your server’s overall performance and management.

Just get a thorough understanding of these tools before buying a VPS server plan for your server.

If either of the tools doesn’t work for you, you can always shift the server management and monitoring task to your VPS hosting provider.